Expert analysis powered by technology and software.
We leverage our investment in software, instrumentation and enhanced analytic tools to develop robust reservoir characterization solutions. Our proprietary equipment facilitates greater accuracy and industry specific software fosters deeper understanding through interpretation and visualization.
“To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle, requires creative imagination and marks a real advance in science.”
– Albert Einstein
We help you discern what matters most to you. Precisely. In detail.
Turn data into insight. Isologica is our proprietary software, a workspace for our clients to quickly retrieve and visualize data. Isologica integrates a variety of data for dynamic decision-making by utilizing log plots, cross plots with interpretive overlays and images.
Geochemical Web Information System
GWIS is a multi-platform (Oracle, SQL Server, etc.) database for importing, storing and exporting fluid and rock geochemical data. The data can be exported to other viewing programs increasing user productivity and optimizing the ability to work with large complex data sets from a centralized data repository.
ChromEdge Suite
The ChromEdge Suite (PeakView, ReserView and OilUnmixer) is a powerful set of tools that enables the user to visualize, interrogate, and manipulate GC and GCMS chromatograms, evaluate reservoir continuity, and determine production allocation from a commingled well or pipeline. OilUnmixer is a sophisticated geochemical software for determining the contribution of individual production streams to a commingled production stream.
Equipment Sales
Stratum Reservoir has developed a range of products commercially available for sampling and reservoir analysis. We offer core transport systems, core preparation tools, core photography equipment, Source Rock Analyzer (SRA), various core and fluid analysis instruments, and our industry-leading Isotech sampling products.
Lab Service Equipment Specifications
Click on the Equipment Spec Sheet Below for Information: